Sunday Worship Schedule


Famiy Bible Study Hour: 9:00 a.m. 

Fellowship Time: 10:00 a.m. 

Worship 10:30 a.m.

Holy Communion on the 1st and 3rd Sunday of the month


Join us for worship live on Facebook @AscensionLutheranEP

or click the link below


February 9

Order of Worship


February 9 


Where are you going?

Luke 5:1-11

February 9

Bible Study

The Apostles' Creed: Creation


To see messages from prior weeks, visit our Media Page


Ascension has an open paid position for a person to serve as an administrative assistant to our pastor and other church staff members.  Primary responsibilities are to prepare weekly worship materials, maintain and publish a monthly church calendar, format a monthly newsletter, maintain church records for baptisms, weddings and funerals and to perform general office coordination duties such as managing office supplies, receiving mail and answering phone calls.


The position requires strong organizational skills and the ability to multitask.  The desired candidate should have experience with computer programs such as Word, PowerPoint and Excel.  A Lutheran background is helpful since a general knowledge of the order of service is needed.


The position is part time, working five to six hours per day on Tuesdays through Fridays, though some flexibility of schedule may be required.


Click here to see a detailed job description.


Anyone interested in this position can contact the church office at alc6520@swbell.net




Ascension is a family of believers with faith and hope placed in the one true Savior, Jesus Christ.  God's Word is at the heart of all we do and His message of love, forgiveness, and salvation is the driving force behind every aspect of our ministry and life.


Maybe you're returning to church, or coming to church for the very first time, or you've just moved to town and need to find a new church home, whatever your story may be, you probably have a lot of questions before you visit Ascension.  We hope you will take the next step by checking out this family of faith led by Christ to bring hope, strength and change to the world—one life at a time.


Where are you located?

We are located on the westside of El Paso just a couple of blocks southeast of the intersection of Redd Road and Westwind.  Our address is 6520 Loma de Cristo Drive.  We sit on top of a hill with a beautiful view overlooking west El Paso and the upper valley.

What time are the worship services?

Our services are offered on Sunday mornings at 10:30.  Our Family Bible Hour is held each Sunday for all ages from 9:00 to 10:00 a.m.


What should I wear?

We have no dress code.  So, it's not unusual to see the whole spectrum from shorts and sandals to suits and skirts in any particular service.  Don't stress over what to wear!  If you prefer casual, then come casual.  Or, if you like to wear your Sunday best, then wear that.  We just want you to be relaxed and able to focus on our Risen Savior and His life-changing Word.

Will I have to make a financial contribution during worship?

No.  The ministries of Ascension are supported by the love, generosity and sacrificial giving of our members and friends.  As a guest, please do not feel obligated in any way to make a contribution.  We believe any gift to the Lord should be uncoerced and from the heart—as a loving response to God's grace.

Will I be asked to sign something or "singled out" in some way?

Absolutely not.  Don't worry—we won't ask you to raise your hand in the service or make any commitments.  We promise.  Please visit, relax, enjoy, mingle, and get a feel for what this loving family of Christ is like.  You are invited to visit our Welcome Center on Sunday mornings to request information, to speak to someone about Ascension's ministries, and to receive a free gift as a first time guest.  You can also request more information by completing a blue Friendship Card during the worship service or by contacting the Church Office at (915) 833-1009.  We want your visit to be as pleasant and enjoyable as possible.

Can I bring my venti, non-fat, Cinnamon Dolce Latte into church?

Yes—but only if you bring one for the rest of us.  (Just kidding, of course.  Well, kinda.)  You may bring your drink with you, but why not save your money and get a coffee at church?  We offer free coffee and refreshments each Sunday morning in the Fellowship Hall.  We simply ask that you finish your coffee and other food or drinks before entering the Sanctuary for the worship services.

Where do I park?

We set aside reserved parking for first time guests in our parking lot.  They're on your right side just as you round the corner to enter the main parking area.  General parking is also available along the entrance drive and in the main lot.

What if I unknowingly sit in "someone else's seat"?

Don't worry about it.  Sit wherever you want.  No one has a claim on any seat.  In fact, we'll even let you save seats for family and friends.  Of course, if you sit in the pastor's seat up in the chancel area, you may be asked to deliver the message for the day.

What is Ascension's purpose , mission and vision?

We exist to carry out the Great Commission by connecting with people who are not in relationship with Christ and caring for those who are by witnessing, growing in faith in Christ and providing human care.  


Our mission is sharing God's love by connecting people to Christ.


As Christ-centered people we live out our faith by sharing God's love through our gifts, talents and resources with all those in need.  We are committed to growing ourselves and nutruring others through scripture, worship, fellowship, service and outreach.

Other questions? 

For more information, please contact the Church Office at (915) 833-1009 on Tuesday through Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.